ريسلون أويل سيل لإصلاح احتراق وتسرب زيت المحرك
Rislone® Oil Seal™ Engine Oil Burning & Leak Repair is the
fastest, safest way to solve your vehicles oil consumption
issues. Your vehicle is a good candidate for this solution if it
does not use more than one litre of oil per day. Depending on
the severity of the leak, the first thing you may notice is the
engine oil level decreasing. There may be bluish (blue and/or
gray) smoke coming from the tailpipe upon starting the vehicle,
more noticeably after it has been sitting for a while, like
overnight. Your engine could also be consuming oil and you
don’t see any smoke or leaks, as it is being burned gradually.
Use with all types of motor oil, including regular petroleum,
high kilometre, synthetic blends and fully synthetic. Can be
used to top off oil when low, or to replace a half litre of oil when
performing an oil change. Works with ALL petrol, LPG and
diesel engines.